SEO Tips to Rank Number 1 on Google in 2019

SEO Tips to Rank Number 1 on Google in 2019

We have reiterated the significance of SEO in a successful digital marketing strategy in several of our articles; however, we would like to emphasize once again. SEO in 2019 is going to be even bigger than the past years. With Google introducing new methods, for making search-friendly such as mobile-first indexing, voice searches, entities, etc. it becomes essential you stay abreast with the SEO techniques in 2019 for your business to survive the highly competitive online space.

Google is the leader among search engines accounting for 92.37 % of all searches around the world. To stay on top, Google frequently introduces algorithm updates to provide faster, better, and accurate search. This is all jolly and good; however, it can be detrimental for websites as every once in a while Google releases a game changer algorithm update that renders several SEO techniques obsolete.

To counter this, you must keep yourself updated with the best SEO tactics 2019. The primary goal of an SEO strategy should be to make it easier for the search engine to read your website, rather than tricking the crawler. In this blog, we will share how to achieve SEO success in 2019.

Let us look at the SEO techniques in 2019.

Quality Content is King

You must have encountered the phrase “Content is King”; however, simply churning useless content that no one reads is not going to cut anymore. For some time now, Google has been emphasizing on the quality of the content. As you must be aware, if the bounce rate of a page keeps increasing in comparison to other similar pages on the search, Google will keep ranking your page lower. Therefore, the trick here is to generate high quality, information-rich content for the human readers and not the Google algorithms.

The strategy will always work “not just in 2019 but years to come”, because you are working towards the same goal as Google providing value to the readers. If you ask any SEO guru, they would tell you that a comprehensive post that is almost a guide on the topic is always going to rank higher than a 500-word blog post.

Branding to Improve Visibility

SEO is a combination of techniques and when everything is done right, you achieve the result. It is a hard-earned fruit. You have generated high-quality content but the job is not done yet. You need the branding of content by promoting it across other platforms where people can interact and share your content. And when there is enough buzz about your website and the content, Google will notice this and give you your rightful position on the search result. Hence, branding is going be a pivotal factor in SEO trends 2019.

Create Effective UI/UX Design

Whenever we talk of SEO, user needs are going to be paramount as SEO in general terms is pleasing the search engine. And the search engine is only pleased when the user enjoys and engages with your website. You should improve the quality of your website by incorporating SEO tips on the UI and UX of the website.

Mobile-first Indexing

Unlike the past, when Google indexed and ranked a webpage based on the desktop version of the website, in 2019, mobile versions of the website will be given preference. It does not mean a website without a mobile version will not index; however, the ranking will be negatively impacted. It works similarly to not having an SSL certificate.

Voice Search Optimization

Due to the recent technological advancements, voice search is going to be the dominating SEO trends 2019. With devices such as Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana, the search is shifting from text to voice. Using RankBrain technology, Google is delivering accurate search results. Google’s launch of the Google Assistant is a step in the direction of valuing voice search. In 2018, it was not so big, but in 2019 voice search will play a very big role in SEO.

Structured Data and Machine Readability

Sure, languages such as Ajax, JavaScript, and others allow you to add useful functionality to a website. However, effective SEO techniques for 2019 should include marking-up pages with structured data, which makes it easier for the web crawlers to read your website.

Curix InfoTech Private Limited is the leading digital marketing company based out of Delhi. Mr. Sandeep Verma is the founder and the director of the company. Curix InfoTech with over 12 years experience has provided digital marketing services to numerous clients throughout the years. The company has diverse clients from all around the world. The sharp and capable groups of SEO professionals ensure that your website ranks for relevant keywords on the top of Google search. Get in touch with the company for SEO tips 2019.
